


Revelation – Find the Giant Albino Penguin enemy farthest from you. You must either move it to your location or place 1 doom on it. If there are no Giant Albino Penguins in play, search the encounter deck and discard pile for a Giant Albino Penguin, draw it, and shuffle the encounter deck.

Borja Pindado
Limiar da Terra Expansão de Campanha #209. Penguins #3-4.
Wuk! Wuk! Wuk!


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Per the Move rule, move cannot be attempted if it would result in the same location. Therefore if there is only 1 on the field and it is already right on your location, the only choice is to add doom on it. (Instead of "Lucky encounter draw! It is already here!")

When an entity or game element moves, it cannot move to its same (current) placement. If there is no valid destination for a move, the move cannot be attempted.

5argon · 10954
This would be true even if it weren't for that statement, because "must" means you have to pick an option that can change the game state not that you have to pick one that can be performed in full — Thatwasademo · 58