
Introspecção. Truque.

Cost: 1.


Mova. Mova-se até 3 vezes. Inimigos não engajam com você durante esse movimento.

"... uma aura invisível me repelia e forçava minha retirada de segredos antigos e sinistros que homem algum deveria ver, e nenhum outro homem ousara contemplar." -H. P. Lovecraft, "A Cidade Sem Nome"
Vlad Ricean
Limiar da Terra Expansão de Investigador #47.
Esquadrinhar Adiante


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Three moves in one. Bypass enemies.

Value wise, a resource and a card are still "expensive", theyre "worth" as many actions as the actions saved. Your net math on including this card in a deck essentially boils down to how easily you generate resources, and how useful it'd be to you to move through enemies, is it worth a deckslot? Is it worth two deckslots?

But. Also. Speed!

Speed wins scenarios, if you get ahead of the encounter deck, standing on top of a mountain of clues before you've drawn too many treacheries and enemies, this is especially true in solo, particularly if youre familiar with the scenario.

So this is what you get for using Scout Ahead, speed and agility, to make it shine, either build an engine that gets you through cards quickly (Lucky Cigarette Case, Winifred Habbamock) or plan to be through the scenario before a depleted hand catches up to you.

Tsuruki23 · 2552
This is gonna be crazy good in Chuck Fergus decks, too. — OrionJA · 1
I like this in Rita Young. She already has some decent "speed tech", and this just lets her run even faster! — DrMChristopher · 494
Also, 2 agility icons add to the value of this card imho. — tom1017 · 20
This is basically the same card as Skids O'Drool from the Barkham Horror expansion. — Gries · 22
What happens when after using this card you end up in location with an enemy. Enemy did not engage you thanks to card's effect. Would following action like investigation cause OOP? — bugiel_marek · 23
Let me answer my own question: yes, enemy engages you for next action and makes AOO. — bugiel_marek · 23
If already engaged, does the investigator need to evade first before playing Scout Ahead, or suffer an AoO? — valkray · 1
Responses from elsewere: Yes, the investigator would need to Evade first, otherwise the Enemy will attack due to the Move action and will follow the investigator. — valkray · 1
This card is amazing with Finn Edwards. I ran him through Carcosa and Scout Ahead was the key card in some of the biggest scenarios. — K_oroviev · 222
Agree with the above this is a great card. Like ‘I’m Outta Here!’ It operates as a semi skill card with two agility icons and the action compression combined with quasi-evasion is amazing. Running this with Preston in Carcosa and is perfect for escaping scenarios or evading certain baddies. — EnglishLord · 1