Q: If I play Prophesiae Profana and elect not to trigger its reaction ability (i.e., I do not choose any revealed location as "the locus"), will I therefore have +1 , +1 , and the ability to ignore attacks of opportunity (or, if using Taboo, the first attack of opportunity each round) no matter what location I happen to be at (as long as Prophesiae Profana is in play, of course)? A: We rule that you can opt against declaring a revealed location as “the locus” during your game; in doing so, you will never be “at the locus” and you will always receive the listed bonuses while “not at the locus.”
Q: If I do choose a location as "the locus" after playing Prophesiae Profana, but then that location leaves play (e.g., is removed from the game via scenario effects), will I thereafter have +1 , +1 , and the ability to ignore attacks of opportunity (or, if using Taboo, the first attack of opportunity each round) no matter what location I am at (as long as Prophesiae Profana is in play, of course)? A: Similarly, if a location were deemed “the locus” and it left play, you would then perpetually be considered “not at the locus.”
Prophesiae Profana
Atlas do Desconhecido
Ativo. Mão
Item. Relíquia. Tomo.
Cost: 4. XP: 5.
Enquanto você não estiver no locus, você recebe +1 , +1 e pode ignorar ataques de oportunidade.
Após Prophesiae Profana entrar em jogo: Escolha um local revelado. Esse local se torna "o locus" até que Prophesiae Profana saia de jogo.
: Mova qualquer investigador para o locus.
Latest Taboo
This card's constant ability now reads: "...you get +1 , +1 , and ignore the first attack of opportunity you take each turn."

(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
Having played with this card a few times personally, and with my party, I think all the talk of taboo and brokenness is pretty overblown (at least outside of solo). It does absolutely smash certain scenarios, like Doom of the Eztli mentioned below, but I generally think this card is in line or slightly above the power level for a 5 exp card in a heavily contested slot. It's expensive in both regards as well as resources, so it has to be worth running, and in that regard it is a very cool card. In terms of the stat boosts, they're of course great, but nothing you couldn't get in other places with other cards (and only Monterey and Ursula really care about the agility boost). The movement is cool, but it costs actions, and Seeker actions arguably the most valuable in the game (notice a lot of the taboo'd seeker cards have fast effects). In my personal experiences, other than in the aforementioned DotE, I hardly ever used the movement option (though maybe Daisy would more often since she gets it for free). The most powerful aspect of this card is probably the part that ignores attacks of opportunity. This is a godsend for solo seekers who have no ally to take out foes for them, but in multiplayer I don't think this actually changes that much for a seeker, other than being able to potentially drag enemies to their fighters (and even then they'd have to end their turns there). In my personal experience in 4 player games, the seeker has dodged one, maybe two attacks of opportunity per game on average, which isn't trivial but isn't enough of an impact to where I'd call it broken. You could say it's the sum of all these effects that makes it deserve a taboo, but personally I think 5 exp, 4 resources and a hand slot really demands a lot from a card (see cards such as Lightning Gun) and that Prophesiae deserves to be cool and high impact. It does really well in a few scenarios, but I think that's ok, with the sheer variety of scenarios in this game some cards are bound to break some. I've never seen it break a campaign anywhere near as hard as any of the taboo'd seeker cards, or even some of its contemporary seeker cards like Eon Chart. This was revealed the same day as Jeremiah Kirby and I think he's ended up the better card with a really cool deckbuilding puzzle. At the end of the day, 4 resources, a hand slot and 5 exp are a lot for one card (10 for two copies) so it should be powerful. But I don't think it's anywhere near the power level of what we've seen before for seekers. In defense of Prophesiae Profana, I rest my case.
You are playing The Forgotten Age, got 5 exp in first scenario. Then, you buy this card.
Hard mulligan to get it. When you got it, make the entrance The Locus. It means u have this efect until the end of scenario. When you will get the Relic, give it to other player, move him to entrance, win.
There is a lot of other scenarios that can work with it. Cassino with Peter Clover, Theater in Carcossa, and every scenario with resigning.
Works incredibly well with Library Docent to switch from 1 go to location to another.
Daisy Walker can move a 4 player team to the locus in 1 turn.
No attacks of opportunity means lecturing stuff to monsters. Engaged monsters move with you. Hello helpy guardian friend, I brought a monster with me.
This card has a cool interaction with Gene Beauregard. You can freely move to locations and move enemies off of you to a convenient spot. It's a very expensive combination in terms of slots, resources, and XP. However, it gives you tremendous, testless protection against enemies.
I'll keep this review short and sweet since so many people have said great things already, but I just want to point out that if you're able to take this into Fortune and Folly, you may have a pretty sweet time with the final act. Fortune and Folly is also a scenario where you're likely to have more than enough resources to pay for this, so definitely a card with a ton of value even after its taboo.
I too think it's broken. I assume we will see it on the next taboo list.
No one has mentioned it yet but it seems also interesting against massive enemies: they CAN perform attacks of opportunity but CAN'T follow you when you leave their location, right ? Which means this card allow you to go through a massive enemy's location without consequences. It's quite niche but fun to realise.
If you have the possibility to influence the construction of both decks of your team (2-handed solo or an agreement with your friend), you can make a [good seeker] + Trish duo for this combo:
- put Gené Beauregard and « You owe me one! » in Trish's deck,
- put Prophesiae Profana and Research Librarian in the seeker's deck,
- wait until the seeker plays the Research Librarian and takes Prophesiae Profana,
- play « You owe me one! » to play Prophesiae Profana under your control,
- play Gené Beauregard as soon as you can.
You now have a 6 intel and 6 agility Trish who can play investigate / discover clue actions in locations with enemies without triggering the AoOs (and so getting a second clue once per round each time instead of automatically evading the enemy) and who can then move out of the location and use Gené to send the enemy back.
P.S.: is there a way to make the fight/intel/... symbols ? I thought but can't remember it.