The Great Web - Back
Long, scintillating strands of gossamery web fill the endless pit below the Sea of Pitch. The great work of the spiders is nearly complete.
The Great Web
Web-Woven Island
Otherworld. Extradimensional.
Shroud: 1. Clues: 1.
As an additional cost to investigate this location, you must either spend 1 action or place 1 doom on this location.
Cristi Balanescu
Weaver of the Cosmos #345. Weaver of the Cosmos #20-22.

Related Cards
- The Great Web: Web-Stairs (Weaver of the Cosmos #340)
- The Great Web: Cosmic Web (Weaver of the Cosmos #341)
- The Great Web: Tangled Web (Weaver of the Cosmos #342)
- The Great Web: Prison of Cocoons (Weaver of the Cosmos #343)
- The Great Web: Vast Web (Weaver of the Cosmos #344)
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