
Shroud: 2. Clues: 1.

Forced - After you enter City of Gugs: Flip it over and resolve the text on its other side.

Victory 1.
"...Carter followed the loping three out of the forest of monoliths and into the dark noisome streets of that awful city whose rounded towers of Cyclopean stone soared up beyond the sight."
- H. P. Lovecraft, The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath
RĂ©gis Moulun
Point of No Return #255. Point of No Return #9.



Spawn the set-aside Gug Sentinel enemy at this location, with 1 clues on it. Test (3). If you succeed, Gug Sentinel enters play exhausted and unengaged. Otherwise, it enters play engaged with you.

Flip this card back over.

The kingdom of the Gugs is surrounded by a colossal wall. Inside, cylindrical towers rise high into the mist, each one windowless and made of grey stone, with large looming doorways at the bottom. One black tower stands paramount among the others, rising into the very ceiling of the Underworld. You do not make it very far before you spot the sentry standing guard outside the city's walls: a tremendous creature with huge furry arms and an obscene toothy maw extending vertically through its head.
Point of No Return #255. Point of No Return #9.
City of Gugs
The Sentry


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What a strange and beautiful place. It looks like the little mermaid castle on the original poster. Or maybe this city is evocating something not very... suitable for children ? 200 - characters filler

Climooo · 14
Parking is a nightmare. — MrGoldbee · 1473