Agenda. Stage 5

Doom: 5. Clues: –
The serpents have stirred up something much larger and more deadly than anything you have faced on this journey. Pale, sweaty, and terrified, you scurry for an exit - any exit.

Forced - After the third doom is placed on this agenda: Find the enemy that is in pursuit with the highest evade value, and spawn it at the location where the investigators began at this depth level.

Helge C. Balzer
The Depths of Yoth #282. The Depths of Yoth #6.

Yig Emerges - Back


Find the enemy that is in pursuit with the highest evade value, and spawn it at the location where the investigators began at this depth level.

If Yig is set aside:

The ground shakes with each of the massive creature's steps. He crushes the stone beneath his mighty feet, tearing through walls with his clawed, scaly hands. He sets his hateful eyes on you, unhinging his jaw in a cruel display of hunger.

Spawn Yig in the location where the investigators began at this depth level.

Fury That Shakes the Earth
Fury That Shakes the Earth


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Hello, to count the doom for spawn the enemy in pursuit (spawn after the third doom in agenda), does the doom that is in location or player cards count?, or only counts the one that is physically on top of the agenda card but not in location or player cards?


Scherzo · 3
No, it is only the doom on the agenda. Other tokens don't count for the forced effect. — Tharzax · 1