

Cost: 1.

Health: 2. Sanity: 2.

Apenas no baralho de Calvin Wright.

Dano direto e horror direto podem ser atribuídos a Até o Fim dos Tempos.

Inflexível e obstinado, ele se ergueu desafiando o seu destino.
Anthony Devine
A Era Esquecida #15.
Até o Fim dos Tempos


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I love this card. The art? Fantastic. The name? Flavorful. The flavor text? One of my favorites. And this effect is just amazing for Calvin, allowing you to get 2&2 soak for just 1 resource. You get to live close to the edge, boosting your skill values to incredibly heights, knowing that even a treachery that deals direct damage or horror won't defeat you.

Slam dunk, 10/10 card, one of the best signatures.

Cpt_nice · 78