Each investigator heals 3 horror.
Remove this card from the game, and replace it with another set-aside copy of Ruins of Carcosa (move all investigators, enemies, and attachments from this location to the new copy of Ruins of Carcosa). Add clues to that copy of Ruins of Carcosa until it has clues on it equal to its clue value.
You encounter a man among the ruins of the city, haggard and tired. "Good stranger," he says, "I am ill and lost. Direct me, I beseech you, to Carcosa." You tell him that you believe you are in the realm of Carcosa right now, and he falls to his knees in despair. "No... But that cannot be!"
The man cries and raves, telling you more of the ancient and famous city. Though his words have little meaning to you, deep within your mind, you begin to understand.
The man cries and raves, telling you more of the ancient and famous city. Though his words have little meaning to you, deep within your mind, you begin to understand.
Dim Carcosa #327. Dim Carcosa #13.
Shroud: 2. Clues: 1.
Forced - After you discover the last remaining clue on Ruins of Carcosa: Take 1 damage.
So old seemed these relics, these vestiges of vanity and memorials of affection and piety, so battered and worn and stained...
- Ambrose Bierce, "An Inhabitant of Carcosa"
- Ambrose Bierce, "An Inhabitant of Carcosa"
Vlad Ricean
Dim Carcosa #327. Dim Carcosa #13.

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