Agenda. Stage 1
Doom: 7. Clues: –
And now, far away, over leagues of tossing cloud-waves, I saw the moon dripping with spray; and beyond, the towers of Carcosa rose behind the moon.
- Robert W. Chambers, "In the Court of the Dragon," The King in Yellow
- Robert W. Chambers, "In the Court of the Dragon," The King in Yellow
Hastur cannot be defeated.
Forced - If there is at least 3 damage on Hastur: Advance this agenda.
Helge C. Balzer
Dim Carcosa #317. Dim Carcosa #2.
Key to the...? - Back
Turning a corner, you nearly bump into a nurse with light brown hair and sharp features. You tell her about the violent patients and the strange things you've seen, but she doesn't listen. When you inquire about Daniel, she informs you that he is a friend of the King and that he resides in the palace.
The investigators must decide (choose one):
- Any investigator tests (4) to snap out of it. If successful, advance to agenda 2a. If failed, you must choose an option you have yet to choose.
- Any investigator tests (4) to remember that you've done this before. If successful, advance to agenda 2a. If failed, you must choose an option you have yet to choose.
- This can't be real. This can't be real. This can't be real. Each investigator takes 2 horror. Advance to agenda 2a.
- The investigators faint and awaken some time later. Advance to agenda 2a and place 1 doom on it.

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