Catacombs - Back


As an additional cost for you to enter Catacombs, investigators at your location must spend 1 clues, as a group.

Skulls and bones decorate the walls of this wide hallway in a macabre fashion.


Shroud: 2. Clues: 1.

Forced - When you would move from Narrow Shaft to an unrevealed location: Test (3). If you fail, take 1 damage and cancel the effects of the move.

Forced - When Narrow Shaft is revealed: Put the topmost Catacombs in the Catacombs deck into play above or to the right of Narrow Shaft.

Victory 1.
Justin Adams
The Pallid Mask #254. The Pallid Mask #18.
Narrow Shaft
Narrow Shaft


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Sefina Rousseau got engaged by a Ghoul Minion in the Narrow Shaft . Her agility is not that low but if we got more monster via it would be very big problem. With decisive eyes she takes her step onto the monster shoulder and climbs. Her real aim is not the open above but a secret side Narrow Escape path. Vile monster shocked and failed the opportunity to attack her at close range but still quickly climb and follow her to the next chamber out of frustration. She not completely lost it yet.

One of my favorite Arkham moments

Pawley · 31