Name Class C. Type Icons Traits Set Encounter
Beast of the Bayou Mythos Traição Curse of the Rougarou 35 Curse of the Rougarou 14-15
Curse of the Rougarou Neutro Traição Curse. Curse of the Rougarou 29 Curse of the Rougarou 2
Dark Young Host Mythos Inimigo Monster. Dark Young. Curse of the Rougarou 33 Curse of the Rougarou 8
Insatiable Bloodlust Mythos Traição Curse of the Rougarou 36 Curse of the Rougarou 16-18
Marsh Gug Mythos Inimigo Monster. Gug. Curse of the Rougarou 32 Curse of the Rougarou 6-7
Monstrous Transformation Neutro 0 Ativo Talent. Curse of the Rougarou 30 Curse of the Rougarou 3
On the Prowl Mythos Traição Curse of the Rougarou 34 Curse of the Rougarou 9-13
Slime-Covered Dhole Mythos Inimigo Monster. Dhole. Curse of the Rougarou 31 Curse of the Rougarou 4-5
The Rougarou: Cursed Soul Mythos Inimigo Monster. Creature. Elite. Curse of the Rougarou 28 Curse of the Rougarou 1