[SOLO EXPERT Binder Fodder] Rex Murphy drops clues to win!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Outdated Deck 9 7 2 1.0

Valentin1331 · 64536

This deck was created using Quick Study as a binder Fodder card, it costs 2 XP, so 4XP for 2 copies and breaks the tempo by bringing clues back to your location in order to maybe succeed in a skill test... See the most upvoted review here: "It is actually not really good for Seekers. [...] Quick Study is a card just for Roland so far. Hopefully, we will see more investigators in the future who can make good use of this card, but as of now, I don't think this card will be seeing a lot of play in non-Roland Banks decks."

But with using Rex's passive, you can actually make a really fun versatile deck perfect for true solo!

• Unlimited Money:

Burglary in combination with Deduction is here to bring you up to 3 clues, 4 resources (thanks to Milan Money), 1 card thanks to the Lucky Cigarette Case, with the possibility to deal 1 damage to an enemy at your location with the Ancient Stone if you've evaded it before (guess what, you can evade with Hyperawareness!), all with one action!

Also, use Quick Study to put down a clue on your location, that you will investigate with Burglary. If you win by 2 or more, you'll get: 4 resources, 1 card with Lucky Cigarette Case, Ancient Stone back with Scavenging, and even your clue back, so the possibility to trigger Crack the Case for more cash, Connect the Dots for clues at a distance, as well as put one resource on your Hawk-Eye Folding Camera.

• Dealing with Enemies:

Evade enemies that you don't need to kill, paying with Hyperawareness. If you evade successfully by 2 or more, you can also use a secret from your Ancient Stone to kill Acolytes for example while Lucky Cigarette Case is in play.

Once an Ancient Stone is running out of Secrets, use the second one to discard the first and immediately Scavenging it.

Strange Solution doesn't take any slots and gives a good burst of damage, and you can boost it with Quick Study that allows you to use Inquiring Mind at any moment.

• Investigating:

With Hawk-Eye Folding Camera and Dr. Milan Christopher you have a solid 6 , and you can use Hyperawareness or add a copy of Higher Education for more per resource spent. Adding Higher Education makes this deck a 30XP deck.

Vantage Point brings the clues that you forgot on the way. Quick Study allows you to use Connect the Dots at any point, which is also great to improve your Hawk-Eye Folding Camera and with getting your clue back with Rex Murphy's passive if you succeed by 2 or more.

• Never dying:

With the Hawk-Eye Folding Camera, you have 10 Sanity, which can be used for Painkillers, as well as soak with your Doctors, especially Dr. William T. Maleson that is cheap af.


Jan 05, 2021 Krysmopompas · 356

like it! Especially with Maleson, underrated cheap ally for Rex.

Jan 07, 2021 Cuherdir · 1186

Burglary doesn't work with Deduction

Jan 07, 2021 Time4Tiddy · 245

Rather Deduction doesn't work with Burglary - nothing stopping you from committing Deduction to a Burglary test to boost your skill, but you won't get the extra clue(s).

Jan 07, 2021 Valentin1331 · 64536

Indeed I investigate "a location" makes the difference, I will update the text, thanks for the correction :)